I Follow Jez:A Twitter Update

My emergence as a political activist has had a surprising result. I have doubled the number of followers on Twitter!

In the interests of veracity, I have to say this was not hard to do, as I only had twenty-something, but nevertheless, I am heartened by it, and every Follower is welcomed and esteemed.

By the way, I learned a lot about twitter and the fickleness of its adherents the day I was unfollowed by Cheltenham. Imagine that! Unfollowed by a town! Thrown aside by 116,000 people in an instant! That, I reckon is an achievement, and possibly a record.

I often intrigue my husband with my obsession with the epitaph destined to adorn my tombstone. I say, ‘intrigue’, because ‘bore’, doesn’t quite cut it. Intrigue enters the equation when you factor in the certainty that, at my own request, I will not have a tombstone at all. (I’m heading for a woodland burial, under a beech tree…) My long-standing favourite was, ” ‘She Made Herself Laugh’ Phil 4v4″, but I am now leaning towards, “‘Unfollowed By Cheltenham” Ecclesiastes 1 v 2″.

I digress.

Twitter is proving invaluable as a resource for keeping up with the Corbyn4Leader debate, as I follow several newspapers and some commentators, though I am careful to abide by my own confirmation bias and leave ‘The Daily Telegraph’ and ‘The Mail’ to get along without me.

So. My eyes are being opened to the weird world of the newspaper comment columns. I am tempted to dip my toe in, but areluctant to do so, because everybody is so nasty to one another. I don’t do nasty, and I know jolly well that engaging in these debates achieves zilch, unless you enjoy swearing in public and shouting over a fence with your hands over your ears. (Which pretty much explains ‘confirmation bias’ in case you wondered.)

The piece by former Prime Minister Tony Blair accusing Jeremy Corbyn of living in an ‘Alice In Wonderland fantasy world’. really caused the fur to fly. Personally, I would have loved to have known what was in those comments that were withdrawn, as the ones that were left up were pretty eye-watering.

I actually supported Tony Blair: he did some good things, and he made some mistakes, (as my brother, when a communist, once famously said about Stalin). I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt over the Iraq war, at least until the Chilcot Report is published. Duped by the CIA is my opinion as of now … Therefore I don’t come at this as a hard-left fantasist as my commentator- friends are wont to call me: I am a centre-left Social Democrat, who condemns wildcat strikes and zero-hour contracts in equal measure. (As a for instance … )

However, I think that Mr Blair has misread the supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, and here’s why:

The current crop of political leaders have insulated themselves from the lives of people who struggle. Leftish leaders, like Mr Blair have swallowed the ‘orthodoxy’ (challenged by many top economists) that austerity is the only way to make Britain great again. The problem is that the cost is too high, in terms of human misery, and people like me, run of the mill soft-lefties, are waking up to this.

It is not OK to redefine child poverty so that the numbers could be massaged down. It is not right to introduce further cuts to benefits, so that more people have to resort to Food Banks. It is not humane to remove benefits to punish people with homelessness and starvation. (Think of the outrage if Putin announced this!) It is not compassionate to cut the benefits of people who are dying. it is not just that the poorest amongst us should bear the social cost of the banking crisis that they did not create.

Those of us who work with the victims of these policies know this, and this is why I voted for Jeremy.

Whom I now follow on Twitter.

Postscript: I read that this week bankers bonuses returned to pre-2008 levels. Because I don’t do nasty, I have nothing to add.

#MicroblogMondays:Crying At Work

I was confronted one day by a demanding parent, insisting that her child's teacher to do this or that, and I said, “No, that's not the way we do things here.” I explained that I managed my teachers' time and conditions to minimise stress. “Oh, get real!” Mrs Irate retorted, “Everyone is stressed these days!” “Possibly, ” I replied, “But do you really want a stressed teacher in charge of your child?”


I am reminded of this exchange by the New York Times research on conditions at Amazon warehouses. I was especially taken by two things, firstly, that the charismatic CEO of Amazon had no idea that working conditions were terrible, for some, and secondly, that one response was, “Everyone cries at work!” To bully. Intimidate, overwork, distress, low-paid workers with little power, is to be expected, apparently.


I have decided to do something against CEO's, whose seriously bountiful lifestyles are funded on the unhappiness of others. I'm going to change my shopping habits. This is what I am going to do:


Use small local business

Buy from recycling centres

Buy from businesses that are employee-owned: The Co-operative, Waitrose, John Lewis

Use the public library ebook and audiobook service (which is free here)

Switch broadband, telephone and energy services to ethical alternatives

Buy from independent book-sellers (abe.com)


Yes, it may be more expensive, but I can afford it. It'll take a real change of heart, because I am a bargain-hunter, and my habit has been to find the cheapest of anything. I never factored in the true cost in the well-being of the workers.


I once worked in a toxic workplace and I remember being driven to a breakdown. I left as soon as I could, and sought to be my own boss, so that bullying would never happen to me again. And when I was boss, I made sure it never happened to anyone in my employ.


If you want to know why I could face-down the belligerent parent, it was because my school was over-subscribed. I didn't need her. Being kind paid off.





Jeremy Corbyn

Being soft left, and having a bit of time on my hands now that I’m retired, I joined the Fabian Society a few years ago. I even attended a meeting and I quite enjoyed myself, and might even go to another one day.

You will have gathered that I am a camp-follower rather an activist. I’m almost apologetic about it. To some people, learning that I am a closet socialist will come as a shock. Worse than declaring myself a Satanist to some. Less fun certainly, there having been no ritual dancing, or worse, at the Fabian Society meeting.

I may well have kept quiet about the whole thing. Politics being a done deal, the pinks are out, the oranges are dead in the water, the pale blues are triumphing over us for a while, you know, same old, same old, nothing changes, I only vote out of habit.

Then I got something interesting in my Twitter feed a couple of months ago. A stirring, a rumbling, a gentle start to a very quiet revolution. ‘Put Corbyn on the ballot!’ some lefties were saying and I thought “Hey-ho, well, in the interest of fairness, might as well.” You know, hardly a response.

Then I started to watch the guy, listen to him, see what was happening. People were actually INTERESTED. Young people. The great number of turned-off people who I may be the first to call the ‘unelecting’. I even thought about stumping up £3 to put my oar in.

Then a Fabian email told me I didn’t have to. If I registered, and was duly checked out and verified as a True Fabian and not a Tory taking the piss, I was already entitled!!! So I did, and I can.

Today I received an email from my nice Labour MEP Ms Clare Moody,( UKIP one, not so nice. Never answered my query about his attendance record and expenses claim. SHAME ON YOU, EARL OF DARTFORD!) Ms Moody wrote to me telling me that she was voting for Yvette in the Leadership contest. I wrote back telling HER to vote for Jeremy Corbyn. I know you’re dying to know what I said, so here it is:


Dear Clare Moody,

Thank you for your email today recommending that I should vote for
Yvette Cooper. I’m going to take time to explain to you why I’m voting
for Jeremy Corbyn.

Firstly, who I am. A retired primary school headteacher, who owes a
great deal to socialism. Without the great reforms following WW2 I may
have died because my parents couldn’t afford hospital treatment when I
was four , and I would have been undereducated, having been denied a
decent education … .

The Labour Party in those days seemed unafraid to be passionate about
social justice. Today, it appears to me to be ‘Tory-lite’ entirely
concerned with ‘being electable’ – a spurious and self-defeating
concept at best, that turns off many voters who see it as self-serving
and totally, totally uninspiring.

Barak Obama was ‘unelectable’ before he was elected, before his passion
for justice woke up the conscience of the left (and the centre ) and
broke the tired mould.

And look what the Scottish Nationalists achieved! First they wrung
improbable promises from a frightened establishment ( where was the ‘no
alternative’ mantra THEN?) then they wiped the floor with the
opposition in the General Election. Why? Because ordinary people like
me woke up to the fact that here were people in politics with passion,
rooted in the lives of the people they were asking to vote for them,
and not afraid of being ‘unelectable ‘.

I could go on. Believe me I am, and always will be, a Labour supporter,
because I remember what the alternative looked like, but I have my eyes
open and can see clearly that nobody but Jeremy Corbyn in the current
leadership race will attract new voters. THAT is the lesson of the last

Now I’m going to invite you to take a cool hard look at a different
perspective, the one I hold. Read Paul Kruger on the economics of
austerity. Look at what Nicola Sturgeon has achieved with the
‘unelecting’ and vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership election.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Francis

(Signed with an electronic signature in accordance with subsection 7(3)
of the Electronic Communications Act 2000.)

Taking Stock

I am sitting up in bed just hanging out with my iPad and thinking about things. Tons of things. My irreverent and, frankly, unruly, mind has been all over the place: the Big Bang, (awe) and my newest grandson (wonder) DNA, in-laws, out-laws … There’s no stopping it.

I went to church yesterday, and this coming together with people I don’t all know very well, to take part in a sacrament that I barely understand, just about sums up my existence.

I am struggling to find words already spoken by that great American poet, Walt Whitman:

I am grateful for what I am

It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite

My wealth is enjoyment of being.”

Sixty and more years is as long as it took me to realise that there isn’t much worth investing time and energy in, especially if the investment in same robs me of that ‘enjoyment of being’. Family, certainly. In the most basic sense my children, and theirs, are reason enough to be, here, now; friends; the ability and constitution to bring love and compassion into being … . Not a lot else matters much.

I look back on other paradigms; church, work, education, social networks, with a benign fondness, but now they’re going away, I don’t mind too much, though I’m grateful for the means these offered, to be here, on a Monday morning, messing about with my iPad …

I guess this is the necessary work of growing old … To watch out for what really matters, and let the rest go: a rehearsal for the Grand Departure, which, to assure my daughters who read this, won’t be AT LEAST until I’m 106 … 🙂